Each day provides unexpected opportunities. While some of them may not be a total surprise, many are.For example, when a preschooler started coughing and made an attempt to cover his mouth just a little too late, with germs flying everywhere, I made a choice.I thanked him for remembering to cover his mouth.When other co-workers were voicing concerns about possible budget cuts, a friend and I brought up benefits about our present employment now and in the foreseeable future.
Many things look bleak right now. The future seems a little more unpredictable than usual. It's a good time to choose to invest positive energy in things that are healthy and enjoyable. Music, art, friends, family. Creating adventures during your daily activities. Sharing smiles. Finding ways to show others that you care for them. These are goals I strive to reach. What's great about today is the same thing that will be great about tomorrow. There will be opportunities to do good. Some will readily present themselves and some I will seek out purposefully.
Many things look bleak right now. The future seems a little more unpredictable than usual. It's a good time to choose to invest positive energy in things that are healthy and enjoyable. Music, art, friends, family. Creating adventures during your daily activities. Sharing smiles. Finding ways to show others that you care for them. These are goals I strive to reach. What's great about today is the same thing that will be great about tomorrow. There will be opportunities to do good. Some will readily present themselves and some I will seek out purposefully.